Sunday, December 18, 2011


Ok, so today was probably one of the worst days I have had in 8 years... Actually, there is no probably, today was the worst day I have had in 8 years and the second worst day in my entire life. But that is besides the point, this is my happy place and it doesn't need to be tarnished by unnecessary drama.

Today, my eyeliner thoroughly impressed me and I had to share. So yesterday, I had put on a copious amount of Maybelline Unstoppable eyeliner in Onyx. I ended up falling asleep without removing it. This morning, I woke up and my eyeliner was for the most part, how it looked the previous day, so I just touched it up with a fresh coat over top because I was in a rush. Typically, I remove it the night before and all that good stuff, considering that waking up with raccoon eyes is never a good look.

So, I went on about my business and had my horribly, awful, bad day which induced me to tears for well over three hours. I didn't quite cry three hours straight, more of I went through a cycle of sobbing huge tears uncontrollably and then slowly it tapered off and then the process started again. There was lots of wiping of my eyes and what not.

Well after all was said and done and I finally pulled myself together and came up with the only solution to my situation that I saw fit, I went to the bathroom to wash my face, because I was sure I looked like death, and death is not quite a good look on me. When I looked in the mirror expecting to see huge tear stains and black smudges marring my entire face, this is what greeted me...

While, I would never go out in public like that... with the amount of eyeliner I had on, the fact that I wore it for a day, slept in it, wore it for another day and it bathed in salt water whilst I rubbed at it for three hours, that is pretty darn impressive. I have had eyeliner that smudges like that just from daily wear (of course, I didn't keep them for very long) Maybelline Unstoppable gets a thumbs up from me....

And thus no matter how bad a day is, if you have a positive attitude, there is always a silver lining, even if it is just a sliver that most would over look...

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